all in 1953
from founder Tokichi Yamada
it started.

of yamada infrastructure technosThe predecessor "Yamada Paint"to sotokichi yamadaBy創業。
Mainly at the former Nagoya Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.Of shipbuildingTo paintBe involved.

In ueno, tokai cityhead office.Relocation.of the former donghai steel co., ltd.in construction workGet involvedFor painting workEntry.
Hirofumi YAMADA was born.

Corporate legal personyamada Painting co., Ltd.Established.

In ishizuka, Nawa-cho, tokai cityThe company building was completed.
Nuclear power plantIn constructionAccompanied byFor painting workEntry.

Nuclear power plantregular inspections.Accompanied byTo paintEntry.
Hirofumi YAMADA became president.
of circular blastingIt is a prototypeof recycling blasting equipmentDesign and development.
Steel Road Bridge painting-anticorrosion handbookBy revisionRc-i paint systemAdded.
in the bridge fieldFull-scale entry.
Development of circular eco-clean blast method.

Recycling eco-cleanblasting methodfor the first timeOn the road bridgeApplication.
Recycling eco-cleanblasting method
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism New Technology Legal Provision Systemnetis.Registration.

At the Case study presentation of the Resource Recycling Type Monozukuri Symposium、Recycling eco-cleanblasting methodthe chairman's award of the Chubu Center for Science and technologyAwarded.

Recycling eco-cleanblasting methodAs a "circulating blast method using steel grit"National Land Technology Development Award Regional Contribution Technology AwardAwarded.

carbon offsetthe effort isis evaluated"Carbon Offset Grand Prize Contribution Award"Awarded.
From Yamada Painting Co., Ltd.yamada infrastructure technos co., Ltd.Company name changed.
Recycling eco-cleanblasting method、NEXCO New Technology DatabaseRegistration.
Recycling type eco clean blasting methodBy development and disseminationTo extend the service lifethe effort isis evaluated、good company grand prize special prizeAwarded.
The Japan Steel Structure Recycling Blast Technology AssociationEstablished.
Recycling eco-cleanblasting methodIn Shizuoka Prefecture New technology and new process databaseRegistration.

of environmental impact.Reduction andof a recycling societyTo the formationbig.ContributedAsAichi Environmental award for ExcellenceAwarded.
Japan・Cambodia Friendship Bridgeof "Chului chong bar Bridge"In the repair workRecycling type Eco Clean Blast methodIfAdoption、Construction started.
shuto expressway co., Ltd. andJoint research"On the bridgeof repaintingEffectiveCoating film removalTo the construction methodAboutresearch.Start.

Recycling eco-cleanblasting methodlead and pcb wasteto reduceCirculating blast coating removal"AsEnvironmental Award Minister of the Environment AwardHe was awarded the prize.
The current office building is completed.
Recycling type eco clean blasting methodTotal construction results
Over 100 million square meters.

to the enterpriseGet involvedManySatisfy people・To happinessto beBasic PolicyAsbusiness managementPracticewhat we are doing isis evaluated、"In JapanThe mosttake care.I want toCompany Award Review CommitteeSpecial AwardAwarded.
With gifu UniversityResults of Joint research"Shot PeeningProcessedof existing steel bridge weldsFatigue strengthImproved effect""Society of Civil EngineeringChubu BranchTechnology AwardAwarded.
Recycling type eco clean blasting methodthe results areEnvironmentala breakthroughthe results.i left it.As"Society of Civil Engineeringenvironmental awardAwarded.
Recycling type eco clean blasting methodTechnology development・by practical applicationConstruction machinery・Construction of constructionto make it more sophisticated.contributedAs、"Construction of Construction Machinery in JapanAward of ExcellenceAwarded.
as a corporate managerExcellentEnvironmental powerIt is equipped withAs、Management environmental capabilitiesGrand PrizeAwarded.

ReduceReuseRecyclingPeople of Promotion merit, etc.To the commendationkeep it.prime ministerminister's awardAwarded.
Recycling eco-cleanblasting method、Tokyo, JapanNew technologyDatabaseTo "NeTIDa"Registration.

Recycling eco-cleanblasting methodCirculating blast method®AsConstruction Technology Examination certificate(Construction Examination Certificate No. 2201)Get.this is an opportunity."Circular blast method®"AndHe changed his name.
循環式ショットピーニング工法(旧名:エコクリーンハイブリッド工法)のDevelopment・research has shown thatof science and technologyto promote and developContributedAs、"Bunbu Science大臣表彰科学Technology Award(Technical Department)"Awarded.
National University CorporationTokai National UniversityUniversity organizationGifu University"Social Infrastructure・Eco・RenewalTechnical collaborationresearch courseEstablished.
Circulating blast method®︎IfMHLWOf jurisdictionwater supply facilitiescheck it out.IncludingMaintenance・To repairAboutNew technologyCollection of case Studies"Aqua-List"Registration.
Circulating blast method®︎Thewith a centralGlobal warmingthere's a measure.is evaluated、"Decarbonization2023 Challenge CupAward of EncouragementAwarded.