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Award history

List of awards

  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism NETIS registered CB-190009-VE
  • Japanese Patent No. 6978039
  • JIS T 8153 (air supply mask)
  • JIS T 8115 (Chemical protective clothing)




Prevention of health problems for workers during peeling and scraping of paint containing lead and other harmful substances
4.(4) -For workers working and monitoring in the area, they must wear respiratory protective equipment with electric fans or an air respirator with equivalent or higher performance,Wear an oxygen respirator or air supply mask. Excerpts from (Keian Labor Development 0530 No. 2)

Peeling agent spraying operation status

Scraping work status

Eco Clean Cool Suit was selected as "Recommended Technology" in the Reiwa 5th fiscal year.

公共⼯事等に関する技術の⽔準を⼀層⾼めるために新技術活⽤システム検討会議(有識者会議)において選定された画期的な技術 「推奨技術」 にこの度、エコクリーンクールスーツが選定されました。

The result of the air supply for 3 minutes through the cold air conversion device


Temperature drops by 7.2°C
Humidity drops by 24.8%

inside the scaffolding in the summer
Ensure a comfortable environment