Social contributions
Social contribution
Consideration for the local environment
Initiatives for a Low-Carbon Society
The method of removing old coating films such as steel bridges by blasting and recovering coating film waste peeled off during substrate adjustment and used grinding materials + sorting → recycling and reuse.Circulating blast method®As a result, the generation of industrial waste and CO2 is significantly suppressed, thus reducing the burden on the environment.
In order to realize a "decarbonized society," Yamada Infrastructure Technos uses sand, which produces more waste, to perform blasting operations on steel, which produces less waste."Circular blast method using a ball®We will continue to promote initiatives to switch to "What we want to do".
Initiatives for a Circular Society
Recycling type blast method, which is an environmentally friendly blast method®」を基盤に、1工程加えるだけで鋼材の疲労強度を向上させる技術 「ショットピーニング」を可能とした画期的な新工法「循環式ショットピーニング工法(旧名:エコクリーンハイブリッド工法)」を開発。新設橋梁における現場溶接部の疲労耐久性向上にも有効です。やればやるほど、強い鉄となり、より良い形で世の中に返すことが出来る新工法です。持続可能且つインフラの長寿命化の実現で循環社会を目指します。
Symbiosis with local Communities
Aiming for a city free of garbage
Based on the philosophy of "Reducing waste and changing the world", we carry out volunteer activities such as the "Eco-cap movement" and "cleaning activities" as needed.

Eco-cap Activities

Tokai City Half Marathon Pre-cleaning activities
Creating a Future with dreams
Yamada Infrastructure Technos considers the maintenance of bridges that support safe and secure living as its mission, and is working to provide the children who will lead the next generation and the general public with the support of the construction industry.We want people to know the actual situation, feel the charm of the site that can not be learned only through textbooks and the internet, learn the importance of infrastructure development even a little, and we want people to learn the importance of infrastructure development.We are carrying out activities to convey from such thoughts.At elementary schools, we hold hands-on learning to paint our own school, which is a familiar structure, and at high schools, we hold tours on the actual site.
Tokai City Watanai Elementary School Painting Experience Study
Aichi Prefectural Tokai Camphor High School Painting Experience